dimarts, 3 de juny del 2014


Hello guys!
This is the end of the blog and the end of the beautiful activities and videos that I post in my blog. I really had fun watching the others videos of my colleagues and doing my activities! I think it was a positive experience because I learnt to speak best the english lenguage, and know things about my class friends.
Do a blog is for my a good idea because it was a rewarding experience.
Well, that's all. I hope you have a good summer holidays :)

dimecres, 12 de març del 2014


Hello! This time I have to do a summary about my favorite movie, but I don't have favorite movie, and I had to choose one that I liked me more, is a cartoon film.
My neighbor Totoro is an animated film, created by Hayao Miyazaki in 1988,  by Studio Ghibli.
Mei Kusakabe is the principal character, she and her family move out to the town, in a rural home . In her new home, Mei meets a spirit named Totoro and another spirits named "pixies dust" which can only be viewed by people of pure heart. She, her sister Satsuki, a new friend named Kanta and the spirits spend times together and learn more about the rural life.
But, one day, when Mei gets to the hospital to see his mother, she lose her sister Satsuki and use Totoro to help him find his little sister.
Ttotoro is as poular as  Winnie the Pooh in west countries. The Studio Ghibli converted him in the mascot of the study.
In the movie Toy Story 3, Totoro is one of the toys listed, but doesn't have a role.
It was revived in 2006, in honor of its creator, Hayao Miyazaki.
In my opinion, is a good movie. I like it because it shows the good and the bad things of life, also sample a good job in the drawings characters and the scenery.

dissabte, 15 de febrer del 2014